Follow Me
The immediacy of Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John’s response to Jesus’ call is quite remarkable. However, when we unpack the context of Jesus’ summons, it is extraordinarily ordinary. The first disciples had likely heard the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus. When Jesus bid them to follow him, they succumbed to the power of the Holy Spirit and were convinced that Jesus was unique in ways they couldn’t imagine. God has called each of us in Christ to repent and believe. Our lives are marked by faith and repentance. As followers of the King of Kings, we are empowered by the Spirit to turn away from sin and unbelief just as we turn to Christ in faith. Therefore, our lives are one long journey towards Christlikeness–a joyful, grace-filled, and arduous journey. MPS: Following Jesus is a lifelong pursuit of growing as Kingdom citizens in repentance and faith through the Spirit. Big App: The call to follow Jesus is an invitation to grow in righteousness, enlist in his mission, and deny ourselves.