Cultivating Peace

Dec 17, 2023

The personal peace Jesus offers us isn't just for a feeling of consolation or comfort, but moves us to actively participate as peacemakers in our relationships. This then moves together into our communities, where we participate in bringing the wholeness - physically, emotionally, and spiritually - God offers His world.

Mary's Magnificat gives us a fantastic framework for how God cultivates peace - and how we learn to reflect God's heart in the places we live. In verses 51-53, Mary identifies that God's ways scatter the proud, and He elevates the humble.

Cultivating peace in our communities begins with humility. With a willingness to set our egos aside and meet people where they are at. It's a heart posture that seeks to elevate - in word and deed - those around us who are often overlooked. It's actively growing in awareness of the needs in our community and working to meet them. Sometimes this is starting something new - sometimes it's helping out where the work has already begun!