Responding to God

Jun 26, 2022    Pastor Glenn

Out of his immense love and by his immeasurable grace, God continues to invite people to know him, to experience him day by day, and to know him more. Oh, that the Church of Jesus might come to walk in the fullness of the Godhead - knowing Father, Son, and Spirit - so his imprint on our lives will have its effect on the world around us.

God is giving many such invitations, but his people are not responding.

Peter’s sermon (Acts 2) reminds us that the Triune God is knowable, that he reveals himself, and that he desires a response even though he will not force one. The early church was known for their craving to learn Jesus (the Apostles’ teaching), for possessing a commitment to togetherness (the fellowship), for their conviction to remember (the breaking of bread), and for ongoing communion with God (the prayers - see Acts 2:42). This was manifested in the life of the church by the work of the Spirit and they were known for their radical generosity, their commitment to doing life together, and for their care for those outside their circle as much as for those in their family (see Acts 2:43-47b). When the Church is filled with people like this, the Lord will add to their number those who were being saved (v.47c) and the world will be changed.

We must never forget that there is ever something more, something new, to know and experience about Jesus. The church is a band of brothers, a people who need and want to be with each other instead of trying to do life on our own. There is never a time when we can afford to forget Jesus’ love demonstrated for us. We must go to God first, not as an afterthought, learning to sit in his Word and hear him speak. This will only happen when we change our mind and direction (repentance) and immerse ourselves (baptism) completely in Jesus.

God is inviting you to himself, to places in your faith journey you have never been before. Do you hear him calling you? It’s time to respond!